Lifeline Yeppoon $2 clothing sale starts this Friday

September 26, 2018

Lifeline is coming to Yeppoon again, bringing thousands of quality clothing items all priced at $2 an item. There will be tables of clothing for all the family, including a large range of summer and winter clothes. Entry is free and there is plenty of off street parking available.  Please note the venue has changed this year: to Yeppoon Town Hall.

WHAT: Lifeline Yeppoon $2 Clothing Sale
WHEN: Friday, 5 October, 9am-4pm, and Saturday, 6 October, 9am-2pm
WHERE: Yeppoon Town Hall – 25 Normanby Street, Yeppoon

For further information about this event or to request a media release, interview or photo opportunity please contact:
0412 674 013

About Lifeline:
UnitingCare Queensland’s Lifeline Crisis Line answered 158,000 calls during the 2016-17 financial year. All proceeds from the Lifeline Shops, Bookfest events  and clothing sales across the state keep Queensland’s 13 11 14 crisis line going. Lifeline services include the Crisis Line 13 11 14; suicide bereavement and prevention individual and group support; and Lifeline's disaster recovery program, Community Recovery.