UnitingCare Qld Limited update

June 27, 2024

From 1 July 2024 UnitingCare will commence operations through a newly incorporated legal entity designed to enable its hospitals, aged care, disability services, family and community services and retirement living to operate together in a fit-for-purpose legal structure.


UnitingCare Qld Limited ABN 84 675 001 493 is a company limited by guarantee under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) established as an incorporated institution of the Uniting Church in Australia Queensland Synod.


This change marks a significant milestone in the commitment to enhance UnitingCare’s operational efficiency and long-term sustainability, so that UnitingCare can deliver on its mission and purpose into the future.


“As one of Queensland’s largest health and community services providers, we are excited about this transition as it positions us better for future growth and stability,’’ said Craig Barke, CEO UnitingCare.


“It will simplify our legal structure and enable us to continue our important work with greater clarity and efficiency.”


This change does not alter the services UnitingCare delivers, the people who deliver them and the communities and individuals we serve. Mr Barke confirmed that "UnitingCare's mission and purpose, to help people live life in all its fullness, will continue to be at the heart of all we do and enshrined in our constitution as a registered charity. 



Prior to 1 July, UnitingCare operated through four unincorporated service entities (UnitingCare Queensland, UnitingCare Health, UnitingCare Community and Blue Care) which each enter into legal relationships by representing The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Q.) (UCAPT(Q.)).