The UnitingCare Queensland Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) provides ethical oversight of social research conducted by or in BlueCare and UnitingCare’s community ser vices.
Research requiring ethics approval is subject to vigorous consideration to ensure it is ethically acceptable.
The UnitingCare Queensland HREC is guided by the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) – Updated 2018 (National Statement)
UnitingCare Queensland HREC membership details and meeting dates are provided below.
For more information about the UnitingCare Queensland HREC or if you are interested in conducting a collaborative research project with us please email
Levels of ethical review
The National Statement makes provision for other levels of ethical review to be established where research carries only low risk and does not involve particular populations (5.1.7).
All social research with UnitingCare staff or clients must be referred to the UnitingCare Queensland HREC. Research that is classified as low risk can be dealt with through expedited review by the Chair of the UnitingCare Queensland HREC in consultation with members, via email. Research that is classified as higher risk will be considered at a meeting of the UnitingCare Queensland HREC.
Ongoing reporting
Following UnitingCare Queensland HREC approval of a research application, researchers must meet the following reporting requirements:
- reporting on the progress of the research
- notification of any serious adverse events
- requests for amendments to the research, including extending project timeframes
- a final report.
Please direct complaints about researchers, the conduct of research, the conduct of the UnitingCare Queensland HREC, or related processes to
UnitingCare Health Human Research Ethics Committee
The Wesley Hospital
PO Box 499
Auchenflower Qld 4066