Lifeline Brisbane Bookfest Vlogger Competition
We are excited to announce that our Lifeline Brisbane Bookfest Vlogger competition is back for January 2019! Whether you’re a Youtube newbie, a seasoned micro-influencer, or somewhere in between we’d like to hear from you!
We know Bookfest is loved by bookworms all over Queensland and we are honoured to see how many Bookfest Book Haul videos have been created over the years. These videos not only get people super psyched about Bookfest but also get the message out about all the important work that Lifeline does. We thought it’s time to return the favour.
To enter the competition, simply visit Lifeline Brisbane Bookfest between 19 January and 28 January 2019, make a purchase, and then tell the online world about your haul via Youtube.
We know you were probably going to create a Haul video about Bookfest anyway, so why not try and win something along the way.
To be eligible to enter we simply ask three things. Your video must:
- feature books that you purchased from this Bookfest;
- mention Lifeline Brisbane Bookfest in the video and in the title; and
- mention one fact about Lifeline.
The winner will receive a $100 Brisbane Bookfest gift voucher while the runner-up will receive a $50 Brisbane Bookfest gift voucher. Links to the winning video and the runner-up video will also be posted on our Facebook page.