Support for at-risk teens in Townsville

Targeted Family Support aims to give teenagers a great start to life and positive future to look forward to. We get behind young people who are living in the Townsville region, and demonstrating dangerous behaviours and are at risk of becoming stuck in the criminal justice system.


They might be dealing with a number of issues, including poor school attendance, risk-taking behaviour, criminal activity, and disconnection from their family and community.


59-69 Patrick St,
Aitkenvale, Townsville
Queensland 4814

This service also offers an outreach program.

How does Targeted Family Support help?

We engage with teenagers and their families to try to create an environment where the child is nurtured, protected and feels safe. Our service is wide-ranging in terms of what we offer. This can include counselling, transport to school, parenting support and much more.

Who does Targeted Family Support help?

This service is available to teenagers in the Townsville region.

How to access Targeted Family Support

We accept self-referrals, and referrals from schools, police and community agencies. Many of our referrals come from Townsville Stronger Communities Early Intervention Action Group. If you would like support, please contact us on 1300 096 203 or complete the form below.